Taxi drivers average 7 years of experience. Most rideshare drivers quit within 2 months.
With Taxi, drivers get frequent monitoring compared to just a one-time check for rideshare drivers.
Taxi drivers must adhere to stringent 0% alcohol rules. Rideshare drivers are allowed the legal amount of alcohol in their system.
Security footage in Taxis may only be accessed by law enforcement. No such rules with rideshare.
With taxi, you can contract a trusted driver for your kids. With rideshare, you get who you get.
In emergency situations, Taxis are far more easily identifiable than rideshare vehicles.
Drivers for Taxi undergo far more stringent background checks than rideshare drivers.
Annual drug testing is mandated for Taxi drivers. Not true for rideshare drivers.
Taxis get rigorous routine safety checks. Rideshare vehicles? Just a one-time check.
Taxis are liable for customers’ property loss or injury. Rideshare has loopholes when it comes to making claims.
Taxis invest in a Medallion, branded paint and decals. Anyone can get a rideshare sticker online.
Unlike Taxi, rideshare companies have traditionally underdelivered on safety, insurance, and basic consumer protections.

In Minnesota, when you order and pay through the RideSure app, Taxi fares are 35% less.
Big events and bad weather lead to out-of-control surge pricing with rideshare. Again, with Taxi, there’s no surge pricing ever.
Taxi fares are fully regulated by the city. Rideshare fares aren’t regulated at all.
Rideshare fares go up when rides are in high demand. No surge pricing with regulated Taxi fares.
Because surge pricing has been found to reduce overall consumer welfare, city regulators have never allowed it for Taxi.
There have been multiple reports of rideshare drivers teaming up to manipulate the system to overcharge customers.

Just like with rideshare technology, the Ride Sure app makes ordering and paying for a Taxi easier than ever.
Taxi gives you the option to interview and contract a trusted driver for your kids, elderly parents or grandparents.
At the airport and big events, there’s a line of Taxis ready to go when you are. With rideshare, you wait for your driver to arrive.
With Taxi, you can call customer service and speak with a real person. That’s not an option with rideshare.

Rideshare fares are set by venture capitalists. Taxi fares are calculated by the government based on critical economic factors, ensuring drivers a livable wage.
Despite promoting an improved lifestyle for drivers, rideshare companies have reduced take-home pay to levels below minimum wage.
Unlike multi-billion-dollar rideshare corporations, most Taxi companies are family-owned businesses woven into the fabric of their communities.
Working to rewrite labor laws to their benefit, in 2016, major rideshare companies employed more lobbyists than Amazon, Microsoft and Walmart combined.
For Taxi drivers, their job is their main source of income. For most rideshare drivers, it’s just a side hustle.
The number of Taxis per capita is determined by public necessity regulations. Rideshare companies have no limit, creating undue competition even among themselves.
A portion of each Taxi fare goes to support other modes of public transportation. That’s not the case with rideshare.